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Lavisa Super 90

Water Soluble Semi Synthetic Cutting Oil

Lavisa Super-90 is one of our premium products, which meets all needs and expectations of modern machining. This semi-synthetic oil has very good flushing and cooling properties, which renders suitable for operations like, High Speed Grinding, CBN Grinding, Drilling, Milling, Turning and Tapping on CNC’s and multi spindle machines. It gives best visibility of the operation due to its translucent emulsion. Due to good flushing properties the chip carry is fantastic, giving mirror finish. It is equipped with unique extreme pressure additives and fungicides that make it all-purpose coolant with good tool and bath life.

Features of Lavisa Super-90

  • Cost effective compared to other coolants in terms of its longer bath and tool life.
  • Suitable for all types of operations, ferrous, non-ferrous metals and alloys.
  • Suitable for both centralized and individual machines.
  • Keeps the machines and working area clean.
  • No chip-to-chip adhesion.
  • Does not separate in hard water.

Download Data Sheet For Chemical & Physical Properties